The Rested Process

So, what is it like to work with Rested?


Step 1: Submit application and then we’ll conduct a background check (we need to look out for our amazing Infant Care Specialists, too!)

Before Baby makes his or her entrance (we recommend a few months before), Mom and Dad will complete their application and background checks.

Step 2: Mom and Dad meet their nighttime hero.

Once we have the greenlight on step 1, we schedule an in-home meeting with the Rested Infant Care Specialist.

Step 3: Welcome your newest addition to the crib.

Your little darling has arrived! You did it, go you! If you’re a #RestedFamily now, it’s time to rest and recover.

Step 4: Baby is introduced to his or her new nighttime BFF.

Starting as soon as the first night home with Baby (or whenever you are ready), your Rested Infant Care Specialist is there to step in.

Step 5: Wake up #Rested.

It sounds heavenly, doesn’t it? Mom and Dad start the day ahead of their to-do list. Our Infant Care Specialist will clean bottles and pump parts, do Baby’s laundry, have coffee brewing or tea steeping, and ensure that Baby is ready for a great day.

Step 6: Baby’s highlight reel is ready to impress.

Mom and Dad can jump onto the app to see how many ounces Baby drank, how many times he or she pooped, and any other notes.

Learn more about Rested and get the answers to your burning questions.